27.08.18 (Week 1) - 05.10.18 (Week 5)
Maisara Arissa Azahari
Illustration & Visual Narrative
Project 1 - Vormator Challenge



First day of class was commenced with a brief introduction to the module and the software that we will be venturing into, Adobe Illustrator. The pen tool and useful short keys were taught to us to trace all the given vormator elements shown below. When we are done with the tracing of the elements, we were given the task of creating our very own characters using the elements traced. The task was named Vormator Challenge. 

The rules of this challenge included:

  • the elements can be rotated, flipped and duplicated
  • it is not obliged to use all of the elements
  • scaling is allowed, but only proportionally, no skewing or free transform allowed
  • adding, subtracting, intersecting and grouping elements is allowed
  • elements can only be filled, no strokes are allowed
  • filters and effects such as drop shadows are forbidden

Fig 1.1 Vormator elements given

Fig 1.2 My traced vormator elements

After tracing out these shapes, we were then told to uses these shapes for first exercise we have to do, called Character Design. We have to create our own character using our own creativity. According to what Mr Hafiz said, we could:
  •  Rotated, flip or duplicated the elements
  •  Use gradients on it
  • Add, intersect or group the elements
  •  Do proportion scaling
I brainstormed some ideas for the design of the character using the limited elements given and ended up with this.

Fig 1.3 Silhouette of my character

For this week, there was no lecture given as everyone in class was working on the character design. I had an idea on colouring my character based on the Alien in Chicken Little. 

Figure 1.3 Reference used for my character

 I had decided to go with colour palette used for this character as I found it bright and colourful. It also gave out a very playful impact to the audience. Though it was already good enough using this colour palette, I decided to brainstorm more about it to give my own spin on it.


For this week, we learned how to use the pathfinder and knife tool to add colours, shadows and textures to our character. The pathfinder contains four functions called shape modes, which are used to combine multiple selected layers in multiple ways while the knife tool easily cuts out shapes with curved, straight or zig-zagged lines. I decided to apply this technique to my character.

Figure 1.4 Final design for my character with colours added

Fig 1.5 My character's colour palette


Another way of drawing by using Adobe Illustrator was shown to us by Mr Kannan, specifically using Paintbrush tool, Direct selection tool, and Blob Brush tool. 

Paintbrush tool
We can use it to write or draw anything free handed. We can even create our own brush. 
To create our own brush style, there are few steps to do:
  • Go to Windows - Brushes - New brush
  • Choose calligraphy pen 
  •  Name your brush
  •  Adjust size, angle, roundness 
  •  Click OK
Blob brush tool
By using this tool, we can easily add colours to what we have created. Below are the steps needed to apply this:
  • Use Blob Brush Tool draw a shape/character
  • Choose colour from Colour/Swatches panel
  • Trace the outline of shape/character created (Don't leave gaps)
  • Click Direction Selection Tool (A) - click inner point handles to delete
  • Repeat doing the same step till it is fully coloured
Besides, we also learned about placing texture on top of an object and exploring with the Blend options. I decided to place some textures on my character design as a means of exploring with the tools given.

Fig 1.6 My character with textures applied

After getting the character done and exploring with textures, I decided to go with the flat colours I chose for the character initially. We were then told to create a background for the character to be applied into our Pokemon card design at the end of the class. 

Fig 1.7 Background created

Fig 1.8 Applying the rule of thirds for the character

This week we went to Fabspace KL to print our characters on either wood, acrylic or embroidery. We headed there to lasercut the characters that we have designed. Attached below is the final outcome of the lasercut done on wood. 

Fig 1.9 Final outcome of lasercut on wood


After completing our character, we had to compile it all into a Pokemon card which includes the background and the character itself. I decided to use a website to create mine to save the time and hassle needed to create a Pokemon card from scratch. 

Fig 2.0 Pokemon card finalised 
