27/08/18- 28/09/18 (Week 1 - Week 5)
Maisara Arissa Azahari (0332707)
Digital Photography & Imaging
Lectures & Exercises

27.08.18 (Week 1)

Introduction to Digital Photography and Imaging

For the first class, we were given a brief on the tools in Adobe Photoshop. We learned about masking, saving, playing with layers, and also using tools such as pen tool, selection tool and reflection tool. 


As for the first ever exercise, we were told to choose one of our own portraits that is of us standing and Photoshop ourselves into the Hearst Mansion. One rule that was given to us recomposing ourselves into a photograph taken of the Hearst Mansion was that it needed to look believable by applying all the techniques that was taught in class. 

Fig 1.0 Roman Pool at Hearst Mansion

Fig 1.0 Final outcome 

03.09.18 (Week 2)

No lecture as it was a public holiday.

10.09.18 (Week 3)

Online lecture in video form. Mr Jeff shared a lecture video to guide us on our second exercise. It is beneficial and efficient for us to replay over and over again to understand a step rather than it being taught again and again in class. From this lecture, masking, match colour, transparency, and blending modes were taught in depth and shown to us.


We were given a task to create a ghost house using all the tools that we have been taught in the past two lectures.The pictures attached below were already given to us in Google Classroom to be Photoshopped altogether. 

Fig 1.1 Dark cloud for background

Fig 1.2 Haunted house as main focus

Fig 1.3 The ghost bride

Displaying b-darkcloud copy.jpg
Fig 1.4 Final outcome 

After finishing the first exercise, another exercise was given which is a house on an island with a sunset background. For this exercise specifically, match colour and the blending modes play a great role in making sure the house does not look out of place and looks believable. 

Fig 1.5 Sunset picture and island

Fig 1.6 Using the same house as before

Displaying sunset original copy.jpg
Fig 1.7 Final outcome

17.09.18 (Week 4)

For this week, we had to recolour images. Below are the things that we learned this week:
  •  Brush- Healing brush, Spot healing brush
  •  Layers
  •  Blending modes
  •  Dodge and Burn with layers
  •  Non destructive Editing
  •  Transform Tools
  •  Cropping your shots 
  •  Canvas extensions 
  •  Content Aware Fills 
  •  Colouring 
  •  Colour adjustment layers 
  •  Black and white adjustment layers 
  •  Masking


For this week's exercise, it's all about recolouring and making use of layers. We were given a portrait in black and white and we were then expected to recolour it using all the tools that were taught in the lecture.

Fig 1.8 Black and white portrait

Displaying potrait.jpg
Fig 1.9 Final outcome of recolouring

Above are the practical that we had to do in class before we were assigned on choosing our own black and white portrait to recolour again and make it seem realistic. I decided to go with this stunning portrait of a girl that I found on the stock website Mr Jeff shared with us in Google Classroom. 

Fig 2.0 Black and white portrait of a girl

Fig 2.1 Screenshot of layers

Fig 2.2 Final outcome

24.09.18 (Week 5)

For this week, Mr Jeff shared us another lecture video to guide us on doing our exercise. In the video, we are taught to use all the tools listed below:
  • Stamp
  • Clone stamping
  • Brush
  • Healing brush 
  • Spot healing brush
  • Mixing brush
These tools were applied when making textures. Healing Brush Tool and the Clone Stamp have similar uses, but there is a stark difference in how these tools get the job done. The clone stamp paints a complete copy of whatever you select. However, the healing brush tool keeps the highlights and shadows of wherever you are painting and only paints the colour of your sampling area. This makes the clone stamp much more suitable for areas with defined edges, since the healing brush will only blur the colour and you’ll end up with messy, smudged edges.


For this exercise, we are required to choose a flag of any country. The texture needed to be placed was provided but we could also choose our own texture. 

Image result for uk flag
Fig 2.3 The Union Jack Flag

Fig 2.4 Texture used

Displaying UKFLAG.jpg
Fig 2.5 Final outcome

1.10.18 (Week 6)

Other than the practical and exercise which was done in class the previous week, we were told to place a snake texture on a portrait. These two pictures were given to us.

Fig 2.6 Snake texture

Fig 2.7 Portrait

Displaying portrait - norman lindsay_disp.jpg
Fig 2.8 Final outcome

8.10.18 (Week 7)

For this week, we had learned about more tools such as:
  • Masking 
  • Transformation 
  • Puppet Warp 
  • Content Aware Transformation 
  • High Pass Filter 
  • Radial Blur (Bokeh)

We were given a task of making a Flying Castle. We had to choose a picture of sunset or sunrise with clouds in it as the background. A picture of a big rock was also needed to be chosen. One rule still applies which is making it seem believable. 

Fig 2.9 Sunrise with clouds

Fig 3.0 Big rock

Fig 3.1 Castle

Displaying CastleRock.jpg
Fig 3.2 Final outcome

22.10.18 (Week 8)

For this week, Adobe After Effects was introduced to us. We had to choose from a range of green screen images that we took in the previous weeks to begin this exercise by compiling different images into one composition. 

Fig 3.3 Screenshot of layers

Fig 3.4 Final outcome
