18.10.18 (Week 12) - 7.12.18 (Week 15)
Maisara Arissa Azahari
Illustration & Visual Narrative
Final Project - Front & Back and Back & Forth



For this week, we were briefed on our final project. We choose either to create a tunnel book or an interactive web comic using Madefire. As for the story, we are given the freedom to choose to bring the old story that we chose for the previous project to life or find a new story, song or poem to illustrate. The medium that could be used for the interactive web comic consists of Madefire, Adobe Animate or record a video of the final product (tunnel book).

After brainstorming several stories, songs and poems, I decided to go with one of my favourite songs by the artist Børns titled The Emotion. As the lyrics are quite illustrated, I thought it would be easy to visualise. The lyrics that I chose to visualise are as below:

Drive through the timezones
Escape out of my mindzone, love
I lost you not long ago; heaven knows I'm miserable
Hell takes all the credit though
Til the day is done

As a result, I mapped out how I would want the illustration to look like as seen below:

Fig 1.0 Rough idea 

My overall idea for the webcomic is summarised into 4 scenes in total. All using 7-8 artboards with different layers to make it easier to animate in Madefire. 


I finalised the sketches by this week and started working with illustrating it in Adobe Illustrator. Attached below is the finalised sketch and mind map of how the illustration and transitions will be visualised.

Fig 1.1 Finalised idea with details

Before working with Adobe Illustrator, I made sure to reference some illustrations and colour palettes to be used for my artwork. I referenced from Tumblr, Pinterest and even real life photography to get a clearer vision of how I want to visualise and digitise my idea.

Fig 1.2 Car reference

Fig 1.3 Sky reference

Fig 1.4 Road reference

Fig 1.5 Fire reference

I started to illustrate them on Adobe Illustrator. Here are some of my progress.

Fig 1.6 Scene 1 progress

Fig 1.7 Scene 2 progress

Fig 1.8 Scene 3 progress


I did not manage to attend class for this week but I had more work done at home using Madefire with a help of a friend as well as doing it on my own. My initial idea of animating was scrapped as I decided to make the layers move using Madefire itself.

Fig 1.9 Screenshot of first scene

Fig 2.0 Screenshot of second scene

Fig 2.1 Screenshot of last scene
