07.01.19 - .02.19 (Week 1 - Week )
Maisara Arissa Azahari (0332707)
Intercultural Design
Project 1: Proposal


Lecture 1: MIB Briefing/ Assignment briefing

07.09.19 (Week 1)

For this week, we were briefed on our MIB and the assignments/projects that will be taking place for the module. 

Lecture 2: Traditional Culture VS New Media Culture

10.01.19 - 14.01.19 (Week 1-Week 2)

For this week, we learned about the difference between traditional media vs new media culture.We watched two videos over the weekend and answered these questions below.

Modern Technology and The Loss of Culture:

  1. Do you think modern technology can assist you in learning about traditional culture?
  2. How do you include, utilize and manipulate modern technology into this module and project to benefit your learning of culture, and expressing it in design?

Jacques Derrida Philosophy:

  1.  How do new media and old media apply to your study?
  2.  How do traditional culture and modern culture co-exist? Discuss this in the context of Malaysia or Tokyo/Japan if you like too.
We also had to do a presentation in class, each group consisting of 8-10 people. We had to choose which set of questions we would like to answer, discuss it among our group members and then share our ideas with the class.


Module Information Booklet (MIB)


07.01.19 (Week 1)

For this week, we were assigned to our groups by the lecturer. We were then asked to dissect the "Living With Nature" theme as it does not necessarily have to be about trees and nature itself.

We came up with different ideas:

  1. Guidebook - Zine
  2. Album Covers
  3. Art Installation
  4. Video - Music Video
  5. Wheatpaste Posters

This is a compilation of the ideas and rationale that we have come up with. 

Out of the ideas that we have discussed, we decided to focus on the first idea which is making a guidebook - zine. 
