09.01.19 - 18.02.19 (Week 1-Week 7)
Maisara Arissa (0332707)
Information Design
Final Project (Animated Infographics)


Module Information Booklet (MIB) 

FINAL PROJECT: Animated Infographics

09.01.19 - 25.01.19

We began discussing on comparing/contrasting topics to choose from to finalise our idea before getting started on the research and design. For a total of 30 minutes, my group and I brainstormed iniital ideas as seen below. 
Fig 1.0

We decided to settle on Introvert VS Extrovert but the idea was automatically shut down by Mr Shamsul as he said it was too commonly done by other students and does not have much comparisons with each other. Then, we collectively decided to brainstorm again. This time around, we Googled some of the topics to choose from. 

At last, we settled on the topic Down Syndrome VS Autism.

After that, we created a narrative based on the information but combining it into a storyline. 

Here is the compilation of the whole outline of our project:


For this week, we are asked to display a short animatic video based on the idea/topic that we have chosen.

We have all decided to take parts of the animatic to do a rough sketch of and Yu Hui was in charge of compiling all of the animations into one video.

Fig 1.1 Sketches (All frames)

I was chosen to be the narrator for the video while the others wrote out a narrative script for me to read out from.

Fig 1.2 Narrative script (1-5)

Fig 1.3 Narrative script (6-12)

Fig 1.4 Narrative script (12-15)

Finally, we compiled our animation and voice narration together in our short animatics video.
