07.01.19 - 01.02.19 (Week 3 - Week 4)
Maisara Arissa Azahari (0332707)
Intercultural Design
Project 2: Field Study/Data Collection


Module Information Booklet (MIB)


For this project, we are travelling to our designated places to collect visual and digital evidence relating to our proposed ideas. In this case, my group mates and I are going to Tokyo, Japan.

We have gathered evidences by observation, photographs, sketching, and videos. Prior to our chosen proposal ideas on Woodblock Prints and Zines, we visited the Edo Tokyo Museum and Amuse Museum

Our purpose is to collect photographs and/or videos on the Woodblock Printing techniques and final outcomes and also patterns found in Japan. 

Photographs relating back to the ideas that I collected: 

Fig 1.0 Pattern found on the tiles outside of Edo Tokyo Museum

Fig 1.1 Woodblock print and the techniques

Fig 1.2 More examples of woodblock prints

Fig 1.3 Ukiyo-e in daily life

Fig 1.4 Patterns and designs favoured by common people

And also, we saw digital artworks that were interactive as well as decorative. 

Fig 1.5 Waterfall exhibition 

Video 1.0 One of the exhibitions in teamLab

Fig 1.6 Floors in teamLab

And after we collected several evidence for our data collection, we compiled everything into our presentation slides with our final chosen idea. 

Final presentation compilation of data collection. 
