1/4/19 - X/X/19 (Week 1- Week X)
Maisara Arissa (0332707)
Video & Sound Production



Lecture 1: Cinematography
08.04.19 (Week 2)

We were given a short lecture on the basics in cinematography. This includes the use of camera shots, angles, screen direction, etc.


Footage Editing Practice (Week 1)

To start off the first day, we were briefed on our exercises and projects taking place in this module. 

We were then introduced to Adobe Premier Pro as our video editing software to be used for this semester. In class, we were given several video clips recorded by our seniors. The videos given were a reenactment of a scene from Marvel's Jessica Jones. Our task was to compile all the videos using the software and familiarise ourselves with the features provided.

Fig. 1.1 Progress of video editing scene

Sound Editing (Week 2)

This week, we were introduced to Adobe Audition to work on our sound editing exercise. We need to listen to the given tracks, getting used to it and find the difference between those tracks. We later have to use Parametric Equalizer and try to make the other 3 tracks (eq1, eq2, eq3) similar with the first track (flat).

After that we also needed to repitch and make an explosion track that was given to us sound more believable. 

Storyboarding / Visual Composition (Week 2)

Apart from the sound editing exercise, we were taught on how different camera angles and shots are used in cinematography. Later, we watched a advertising video on a soap brand in class.

We were then given the task of screenshotting every shot and pasting it in the provided template (attached below) using all the different types of shots that we were taught beforehand. A lucky draw was held and each of us got different scenes from each other. I got the emotional scene which is the second scene in the video given. 

The template given:

Here's my final outcome:

From doing this exercise, I have learned to take note of the different types of shots and the importance of it in cinematography. I plan on applying this for future use.

Sound Editing (Week 3)


We did audio editing on a given sample voice. We had to edit it to make it sound like a person talking on a telephone. I also learned the terms in the parametric equalizer.

Fig 1.2 Fig 1.6 Process of creating telephone voice

Stadium announcement

Fig 1.3 Process of creating stadium announcement voice

Airport announcement

Fig 1.4 Process of creating airport announcement voice

Fig 1.5 Process of creating airport announcement voice (2)

Outside toilet voice

Fig 1.6 Process of creating outside toilet voice

Video Editing (Week 2)

After we edited the sounds, we did another video editing on our seniors' reenactment of the Ake Demo video (emotional version)

Fig 1.7 Process of editing the video

After completing this exercise, we had a shooting practice of different camera angles in groups. A reference of different shots were given to us to be imitated using the DSLR provided by the Design School. Then, we needed to compile them onto one video to showcase our work. 

Fig 1.8 Process of compiling the videos
