1/4/19 - X/X/19 (Week 1- Week X)
Maisara Arissa (0332707)
Video & Sound Production
Final Project

Stop Motion Video



01.04.19 (Week 1)

On the first day of class, we were briefed on the final project of the semester for this subject. We were given a task on finding stop motion videos online and pick 3 of our favourites and explain.

I did my fair share of searching online for videos on Youtube and articles and settled with these three.

1. Fresh Guacamole by PES


This video is one of my favourites because of how the person incorporates multiple household items and also empty grenades to recreate a recipe. The surreal transitions he uses and the sounds that he uses makes the stop motion video even more fascinating.

2. IRONMAN Stop Motion Action Video Part 7 P. 

I like this video because of how they incorporated not only action figures but also used special effects to get the message across and packed more action to the story.

3. In Your Arms - Kina Grannis

I like this video because of the fact that they used jellybeans of different colours to create scenes and transitions. The way that video also incorporates shadow play to enhance the story is very fascinating.

Later on, we had to write one paragraph on an idea for our final project. The theme is "I Dreamed A Dream" with a duration of one minute or less.

When I thought of the theme “I Dreamed a Dream”, I came across one of my most memorable dreams was when

