Maisara Arissa Azahari (0332707)
Final Compilation and Reflection

Final Project: Typography Poster


Typography Exercises

Fig 1.0 Calligraphy Practice

Figure 1.1 Calligraphy Letters 1

Figure 1.2 Calligraphy Letters 2

Figure 1.3 Calligraphy Poem

Figure 1.4 Lettering Still of my name

Figure 1.5 Lettering animated

Figure 1.6 Six Words Type Expression

Figure 1.7 Type Expression Animated

Project 1: Book Design

Figure 1.8 Front Cover

Figure 1.9 Page 1

Figure 2.0 Page 2

Figure 2.1 Page 3

Figure 2.1 Page 4

Figure 2.2 Page 5

Figure 2.3 Page 6 (Left blank)

Figure 2.4 Page 7

Figure 2.5 Printed (Front cover)

Figure 2.6 (Page 1-2)

Figure 2.7 (Page 2-3)

Figure 2.8 (Page 4-5)

Figure 2.9 (Page 6-7)

Project 2: Font Design

Figure 2.5 Compilation of project

Figure 2.6 Final letterforms

Final Project: Typography Poster

Figure 2.7 Typography Poster

Figure 2.8 Animated Typography Poster



This module has really deepened my understanding on Typography and its importance in the design world. Prior to learning this module, I had absolutely no idea how important typography really is and how big of a role it plays in designing. This module itself has certainly brought a lot of new knowledge for me that I will soon be implementing in my future designs. As for the exercises and projects given, it was definitely a challenge for me to familiarise myself with the pace of the module. On top of that, the criticism given by my lecturers were taken into account every time and I noticed a great difference from when I first began the module and now. In conclusion, this module was stressful but an overall great way for me to learn more about design.


Being in Typography class made me acknowledge the different creative minds surrounding me. Each and every one of my classmates had different styles and concepts in mind. I learned that inspiration is all around me and that I don't have to go as far as to travel somewhere to get it when I can find it in the classroom alone. Besides that, I discovered that Typography plays a big role in the media, press and even books. After every class, I started noticing the use of Typography everywhere I go, especially on billboards. Although I lack the experience in being a critique, I could understand the use of Typography and how it plays a role in targeting a specific audience. When it comes to Typography, a lot of things should be taken into consideration. Readability, alignment, the typeface used all matters. 


Initially, I was excited for this module as I was exposed to Typography back when I was taking Illustration and Design classes as a curricular activity in high school. Little did I know that the things that I learned in that class did not even come close to the Typography module at all as this module had covered everything from Fonts to Animating the Typeface. After a while, I find that this class will definitely help me in the future as a design student and a graphic designer in the near future. Although updating blog posts every week was a chore, it helped me tremendously in being more organised and to do things more efficiently. Furthermore, I find that Typography is normally taken for granted as most people do not realise the importance and the role it plays in expressing a message. Not only that, but people also tend to disregard Typography completely without realising how much of a difference it can make. This is why I have found this module to be helpful in guiding me in making better and more impactful designs in the future.
